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Kosher Certification

Thank you for your inquiry UNIGLOBE certification services. We are committed to providing you the best Kosher certification services that is catered and tailored to your needs. UNIGLOBE does not issue Kosher certification but we are connected to the major Kosher certification agencies in the world who are recognised worldwide. We will then recommend you the best Kosher agency for your needs.


The certification fees depend on the number of manufacturing plant locations. Generally the fee is for the whole plant and all the products that are made in that one plant. UNIGLOBE is committed to provide you the best Kosher certification deal for you. UNIGLOBE has years of experience and lots of close contacts within the Kosher agencies and can help you get the good and reasonable fee.


It takes between 30 to 60 days when you first apply for Kosher certification to the time you receive the Kosher certificate.


The certification does not stop at the issuance of the Kosher certificate but we monitor the you progress into the Kosher world. We are available for you to call and chat about your kosher certification and how to approach the Kosher market.

Steps to Getting a Kosher certificate

Step 1
The initial contact
Send an email or fax to our offices for a general enquiry. Don't forget to state the name of your company, it's location and the products you are interested in getting Kosher certified
Step 2
The application form
You will then be sent an application form by email or fax. Complete and send your Kosher application form back us by fax or by mail. The Kosher application will asks for logistical information about your company and you manufacturing plant, as well as a list of the products you want certified, and their ingredients. We available to answer your questions, address your needs and guide you through the certification process. So don't worry about the questions asked in the form.

(UNIGLOBE observes the strictest levels of confidentiality. Please be assured that all of the information you provide us will be held in strict confidence.)
Step 3
Initial evaluation and fee proposal
The application form along with all the information you have sent to us will then be undergo an initial evaluation to see the feasibility of the product being able to be Kosher certified. It is here that the fee will be quoted.
Step 4
The inspection
The application form is then sent to the certifying agency that will make a convenient date for an initial inspection of the manufacturing plant company. The rabbi will then carry out the thorough inspection the entire process of manufacturing through to packaging. The rabbi will also take the time to explain to you what Kosher is about and how your plant will be able to get certified. (In some cases a fee for the inspection might have to be paid in advance)
Step 5
The contract and final payment
Once the inspection has taken place, a Kosher certification contract will be sent to you along with the final invoice for certification.
Step 6
The certificate
Once the contract is signed, a Kosher certificate will be issued and you will be able to market your products as Kosher and use the registered trademark of the Kosher certification agency assigned to you.

Welcome to the Global World of Kosher

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